In a high turnover business, a single location to track the entire onboarding process can make all the difference.
When onboarding drivers, this company would receive emails from the drivers with their required documentation. The company had no place to track the onboarding process for drivers and see which documents had come in.
New drivers were not always clear on what documents needed to be sent to the company.
Key stakeholders across the company in HR, Accounting, and IT did not have a clear glimpse into the onboarding process to perform their roles quickly.
A PowerApp was built to facilitate the process between new driver and the hiring firm. The new hire would get an email with access to the PowerApp where they were prompted to enter their information and upload any necessary documentation.
Once the drivers completed their portion, the hiring manager would get a notification and come into the PowerApp to complete the onboarding process. Based on the hiring managers selections, emails would get sent out to the appropriate people letting them know the details they needed.
At the end of the process, all the information and documentation was stored in an internal database viewable via the PowerApp for later reference. This provided a single source of truth for all those who needed information on the new hire.