Microsoft Teams Workshop Helps A Small Business Get the Most Out of Their Internal Communications
A company of 30 was struggling with internal communications. The Kumo Innovation Team led a Microsoft Teams educational workshop that taught the company how to effectively utilize Teams to communicate across departments, leading to higher productivity and morale.
Business Situation
How can our company of 30 use Microsoft Teams to more reliably communicate both internally and externally, and see a bigger return on business efforts at large?
Our client, an agile company of 30 employees came to us with a critical problem: their teams were not communicating effectively with each other, and their outputs were suffering due to it. This was leading to a number of costly problems, including duplication of effort, missed deadlines, and general misunderstandings.
After further investigation, we learned that they were trying to use Microsoft Teams for their internal messaging, but were not utilizing it to its fullest potential. They were at a lack of how to proceed, and came to us for guidance.
Key Challenges
Lack of communication leading to duplications of effort
Missed deadlines and KPI’s
Cross-department misunderstandings and miscommunications
Business Solution
Kumo Innovation Team led a Microsoft Teams educational workshop for all employees
The company decided to implement a training program for their implementing teams. The training program was designed to teach the teams how to use Microsoft Teams effectively. The program covered a variety of topics, including:
- How to use the chat features effectively
- How to manage documents and files
- How to collaborate with other teams, both internal and external
- How to use the advanced features of Microsoft Teams
Advanced Chat Features
Strategic Document Management
Strategic File Management
Task Delegation & Tracking
Comprehensive Start-Up Guide
“This workshop was very helpful! ♥️ ♥️”
– HR Manager
“Learned a lot … great presentation too!”
– HR Director
“Got a great glimpse into what Teams can really do! Thank you!”
-Team Member